Privacy Policy - Cosmosentials
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Privacy Policy


At Cosmosentials, safeguarding the privacy and security of our customers (“Customers” or “you”) is paramount. This Privacy & Security Policy (“Privacy Policy”) outlines our commitment to protecting your information and provides insight into the types of information we collect, how it’s utilized, and the measures taken to ensure its security.

Information is gathered from Customers solely through interactions with the Cosmosentials website. This Privacy Policy specifically pertains to data collected through Cosmosentials, and by accessing our website, you agree to the practices outlined herein.

Please note that this Privacy Policy exclusively addresses the practices of Cosmosentials and does not extend to our business partners, affiliates, or other third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any external entities you engage with.

Rest assured, at Cosmosentials, we prioritize the confidentiality and integrity of your information, striving to uphold the highest standards of privacy and security for our valued Customers.




At Cosmosentials, we gather specific information either through voluntary submission or as necessary to facilitate user registration or access certain services and features. Users or customers provide this information willingly, and it may include personally identifiable details. Such data encompasses:


At Cosmosentials, safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information is paramount to us. Here’s how we handle different types of data:

  1. Customer Information: We prioritize the confidentiality of your personal details such as your name, email address, phone number, and shipping address. Rest assured, this information is securely stored and utilized solely for order processing, delivery, and communicating essential updates regarding your purchases.

  2. Order and Transaction Data: Your order and transaction history, including product details, pricing information, purchase dates, and payment records, are meticulously managed by us. This data is crucial for facilitating smooth transactions, tracking deliveries, and enhancing your shopping experience. We handle this information with the utmost care and ensure its confidentiality.

  3. Banking Details: Your sensitive banking information, such as credit card numbers, cardholder names, expiration dates, and CVV codes, are never stored on our servers. Instead, we partner with a trusted Payment Gateway service that adheres to the highest industry standards of security, including “VeriSign Secured” and PCI Compliance. This ensures that your banking details are encrypted and securely transmitted during the payment process, offering you peace of mind.

At Cosmosentials, your trust is our priority. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and security for all your data. If you have any concerns or queries regarding your privacy or data security, please feel free to reach out to us. Your satisfaction and security are of utmost importance to


Information from optional online surveys on our or third party sites (posted by which may include demographic information (like gender, age, income) as well as product & service preferences of Users.


Email or phone communication by any User or Customer directly with, such as product enquiry, order & transaction related information, disputes or complaints, etc.


Some information is collected automatically while you are using the web site. This type of data is not personally identifiable information. It is important to note stores this information in order to ensure its Customers receive optimal service while using services. This type of information includes:


Your session log information on our site which includes your navigation within the site, source of traffic, IP address (from which we can approximately determine user location), browser type, browser language, operating system, date & time of request, etc. Log files are used to track site usage & engagement & to gauge the effectiveness of our different services. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server & to administer the web site


Cookies is a piece of data stored by a website within the user’s browser which enables the browser to remember information & preferences for the user, such as clicking particular buttons, logging in, or having read certain pages on our site. All leading Internet companies such as Amazon, Google & Facebook use cookies. You can set your browser to notify you when you are sent a cookie, & you can decide whether or not to accept it.


This refers to third party sign in information shared on our website such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest sign in information. Refer to your social networking sites to know more about how you can manage / control how this information is shared with other sites. Please note that user generated content on the site shared by users via reviews, blogs, online chat or instant messages, discussion boards, forums, user testimonials etc. are not considered as personal information & is not subject to the terms of this privacy policy.


We use Google AdWords Remarketing to advertise trigger across the Internet. AdWords remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the TriggerApp website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. THIS COOKIE DOES NOT IN ANYWAY IDENTIFY YOU OR GIVE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPUTER The cookie is used to say “This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page.” Google AdWords Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.”


To ensure the accuracy and currency of collected information, the Cosmosentials website provides customers with the opportunity to access and rectify any inaccuracies in their online submissions. Should customers have inquiries or concerns regarding the accuracy of their information, they can reach out to us via email at or contact during regular business hours. We’re dedicated to maintaining precise records and addressing any customer queries promptly and efficiently.

CHILDREN does not sell products for purchase by children. We may sell children’s products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use only with involvement & approval of a parent or guardian.

LINKING may offer links to other web sites. Please be aware that is not responsible for the privacy practices of such linked sites, including sites of our partners. We encourage our Customers to be aware of this when they leave & to read the privacy policies of each web site that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected on website.


All employees of are informed of the company’s security policies. new hires are briefed on security & privacy issues & the security. reviews security measures at regular department meetings.

Security & privacy threats, operational & technical vulnerabilities have been assessed & countermeasures have been taken to reduce these vulnerabilities. New threats are consistently evaluated & measures are taken to prevent them from occurring at

Only authorized personnel have access to restricted data. Access to sensitive data such as customer financial information & individually identifiable information is revoked in a timely manner for employees who change function or resign. Nondisclosure Agreements are in place with contractors & third parties having access to sensitive data.


Questions regarding this statement should be directed to the following

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